The Employee Spotlight for: November Drake Krawczyk

What drew you to Sick Pizza originally?

I knew about the place opening because I am good friends with Scott and his family.

What would you eat if you had to eat only one meal every day for the rest of your life?

Sick Pizza and I would be more than happy with it too.

How have you found our business culture to be?

Very chill, do your job as you are told to do (and the right way) along with being respectful to all workers.

In your time at Sick Pizza, what has been your favorite memory?

Tanner using a plastic bag as a cup to drink water. We had no solo cups left to find and decided to use a plastic bag and it did not go all that well.

Where do you want to go on your ideal vacation?

Mexico, with my three best friends from high school.

What is your favorite part of working at our company?

It is very laid back along with coworkers supporting each other all the time and kind of becoming family.

What do you like most about the work we do here?

I think the work here is very self explanatory and having fun with it makes your shift go by very fast.


What, if anything, are you currently binge-watching? Or reading?

I don’t really watch TV and I don’t like reading so nothing right now.


What do you think makes our team culture unique?

We treat each other as family because we all have some sort of respect for one another.


What's one thing people don't know about you that they would be surprised to find out?

I have double-jointed hands and shoulders.


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