Oakview Middle School Gives Back To Oxford High

Glen Race and Laura martin are the W.E.B. coordinators at Oakview Middle School. W.E.B. is an acronym for Where Everybody Belongs, it's a leadership class, the whole goal is to get the sixth graders to feel comfortable about coming to middle school, getting them acclimated to the school.

We put together an optional fundraiser, It was wearing blue and gold, and let's show Oxford our support. That day was pretty cool walking the hallways, we ended up raising over $800!

The kids made banners and posters and cards and little hearts that we put out on all the tables where teachers are going to be in line, with notes saying, we're there for you, we love you, Lake Orion cares, things like that.

Watch the full video above to hear the full story from the teachers and the kids.


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